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Sporting Memories Group Plays a Potentially Life-Saving Role

The New Croft Foundation is proud to share an inspiring story that highlights the profound impact of its Sporting Memories group, a weekly session designed to bring older adults together through their shared love of sports. In a recent session, a candid conversation about health led to one participant taking potentially life-saving action.

The Sporting Memories group, led by session leader Kevin Horlock, has become a cherished space where participants not only reminisce about their favourite sports but also feel safe and supported in discussing personal matters, including their health. 

During a recent session, the topic of prostate cancer came up when one of the members, who is currently living with terminal prostate cancer, began sharing his experience. This opened the door for others to share their own health stories, and it was revealed that many of the men in the group had battled cancer in the past.

Two weeks later, we received news that one of the members, inspired by the discussion, decided to visit his doctor for a check-up. Despite feeling completely fine, he was motivated by the stories shared in the group to get checked for prostate cancer. To his surprise, the tests revealed that he did indeed have prostate cancer, which he had been completely unaware of. Thanks to early detection, doctors were able to catch it in time, giving him a much better chance of successful treatment.

This story is a powerful reminder of the importance of open conversations about health, particularly among older adults. It also highlights the critical role that community groups like ‘Sporting Memories’ can play in not just providing social connections but also in promoting environments where individuals feel comfortable discussing serious issues that might otherwise go unspoken.

“We are incredibly proud of the environment that Kevin Horlock has created within our Sporting Memories group,” said Lois Balfour, Head of The New Croft Foundation. “The fact that a simple conversation could lead to such a crucial health check and potentially save a life is truly remarkable. It underscores the importance of the work we do in bringing people together, not just for the love of sports, but for the mutual support and care that comes with being part of a community.”

The New Croft Foundation remains committed to supporting the health and well-being of all its participants through initiatives like Sporting Memories. We encourage everyone, particularly older adults, to stay engaged with their health and to seek medical advice when needed. Sometimes, a conversation can make all the difference.

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